
Personal transformation through character building and self-realization will result in a global transformation to create a world of justice, peace and prosperity. Justice to all irrespective of caste, creed, race, nationality, language, gender and age will prevail in a world where filial love to fellow beings is inculcated from the youth. Youth will be trained as agents for social progress with full employment. Peace is sustained in the world by transforming the minds of people through conviction in non-violence in its fullest sense. Prosperity for all emerges from the elimination of the mentality for exploitation and freed. NYP envisions all the youth going through training camps for character building and experiencing the joy of living together with people of entirely different nature and nurture. A culture in which sharing and dignity of labour are respected, is envisioned into harmony through integration of people of the world by accepting and nurturing the natural variety existing in the world. A lifestyle will prevail that sustains the environment, eliminates greed and corruption, and recognizes the rights of all including the poorest of poor. The environment and all the inherited resources including land, water, air, energy and space as well as the flora and fauna will be protected and enhanced for the future generations.


The mission of NYP is to accomplish its vision through the youth of the world. Youth camps and other programmes will be conducted for character building personality development and inculcation of values. The camps will provide facility for experiencing the joy of living together with people of different languages, religions, castes and cultural backgrounds. The camps will include dignity of labour, sharing with others, all religion prayer, learning of language, exchange of talent and group games.

NYP units in various locations will be established for follow up, enhancement and application of the camp experience.